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Creativity = Quality of Life


Ok, so I am gonna let the cat out of the bag…I am writing a book. Yes, I have stumbled on the fact that I love to write and sharing thoughts every Monday is just a small part of it. The funny thing is I never really thought of myself as a writer and part of the story I am telling in the book is that WE ALL have latent creative interests that are hard wired in us and if you want to be happier and healthier you need to spend time doing these things!

Ironically, I spent time writing this weekend and then over coffee this morning I saw an article in the NY Times that wowed me! “Forget a Fast Car. Creatively is the New Mid Life Crisis Cure” by Laura Holson is a wonderfully written look at the importance that creative education can play in helping people to grow and adapt. In fact, she points to numerous books that shed light on the importance of making art in particular “Julia Cameron, the high priestess of the creative movement, whose book ‘The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Creativity‘ has sold more than four million copies since it was published in 1992.” I bought that book today.

This movement is so in alignment with everything I believe in. I have dedicated almost the last 15 years of my life to teaching and creating programs that have helped hundreds of thousands of people learn music and art. I really believe that each of us must find creative outlets where quiet thinking and problem solving helps to generate better mood and directly promotes better health.

Now, this is not an original thought, but I do hope that my book has an original perspective given the circuitous life journey I have taken. I know that I can share life lessons and business lessons and that my perspective as a “creative entrepreneur” should help people with their personal and professional plans.

Creating happiness is at the essence of my mission for One River.