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Monday Thoughts: Time Ticks By

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Why do we spend so much time thinking about really silly things when time is the most precious resource we have? The basic answer is that the human brain simply doesn’t work in the most rational fashion.  For whatever reason, we can’t possibly perfect how we make decisions because the litany of options, distractions and emotions pull us in so many directions that we fight hard to create basic order out of disorder.

For instance, I choose to write my “Monday Thoughts” each week and today’s blog post took me about twenty minutes to conceptualize, write and edit.  While I have gotten better at it (sometimes it takes a half hour), I still have committed a payment against the amount of time I have been allocated.  To be exact, I used 1,200 seconds from the 31,536,000 we all have each year (only .00004). This tradeoff seems solid, since I derive a lot of joy from writing and people tell me it makes them feel good reading my thoughts on Mondays.

The basic premise here is time ticks by uncontrollably and without a doubt, I have never seen people in my adult life more stressed, anxious and seemingly distracted without a plan to fix it.  Fix your life by starting one day at a time, perhaps one hour at a time.  TRY THIS: think about one person you can do a good deed for in the next 60 minutes. Then do it.  The simple fact is that helping others is at the very root of why we exist, why I write these thoughts and why I started One River School over five years ago.

Share with me one thing you did within 24 hours of reading this that fulfilled the task. If you do, I promise you that you have begun a new sequence that may allow you to think differently about what true happiness is, and how you can change your mood, really take control of your time and heighten your pure potential.

Time’s ticking…