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Supporting the Arts Means Supporting Artists

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Supporting the Arts means Supporting Artists.  This year, we will show artwork from eight amazing contemporary artists in our two schools in Englewood and Allendale that includes:

JJ Manford. Austin Eddy. Catherine Haggarty. Pat Berran.

Matthew Fisher. Matthew Phillips. Ryan Johnson. Michael Berryhill.

Our new school in Frisco, TX will present another four shows starting with Steven Charles on Friday, April 14th. It is our mission to share what is current and relevant at our schools so that our communities can learn about contemporary art. This is an acquired taste … like wine… like food … like literature…anything that feeds our heart and soul should require some effort to understand it better.

The ripple effect of fewer grants from the NEA ultimately means that there will be fewer opportunities for artists to share and show what they do with the world. When I opened One River I felt that we needed to do more than just teach in our classroom. We needed to create a platform to support emerging art and we are lucky to curate world-class shows in your backyard.

I am so thrilled to be a patron and a collector and I am hoping that more people will join me by engaging with the work and choosing to live with it. We live our lives through our priorities and if supporting the arts and supporting culture is meaningful, go to any gallery…anywhere and find something you love. Most of that dough goes to the artist and it keeps them in the game, provides validation for what they do and helps us enjoy the fruits of their lifelong labor. Giving back is just a part of it…you also get to live with artwork that provides ongoing enrichment to your home and your life.

If you ever want to talk about this directly, just reach out.

Matt Ross
#MondayThoughts #OneRiverSchool #SupportingArtists